Building a brand with a focus of World Health
One of the most important things for us as a brand is to lead our company with our own personal values. We aim to show this across all elements of TRI-FIT.
Dan (the other half of TRI-FIT) has two young daughters and I have a baby girl due in Feb 2022. We are both conscious of our personal duties as father’s and father’s to be and want to ensure that whatever we do in our lifetime, we leave a legacy behind and a world to live in not destroyed by our own footprint.

(Co-founder Dan Evans with his family on a recent family vacation)
Upon the re birth of TRI-FIT as a clothing brand in 2018, we decided that sustainability had to be as important if not more than just to make premium triathlon apparel. We knew our effort to help the planet was crucial to satisfy ourselves, as well as attracting those on the same journey as us.
We believe Triathlon is the most amazing sport in the world. Of course we are extremely biased but we truly believe this. It brings people together, it’s inclusive for anyone and everyone, and it’s a sport for the whole family.
Where our brand differs is that it resembles a state of being. It’s why you see ‘#ruTRIFIT?’ everywhere. This is not to show off, or for one minute believe you are better than someone because you’re a triathlete. It’s all about having a sense of belonging and being proud that you are someone actively seeking a healthy existence.
To be ‘TRI-FIT’ simply means that you are someone who has experienced the wonders of swimming in oceans or lakes, you’ve ridden through valleys or up mountains, and had the pleasure of running along beautiful foreshores, beach fronts, or wherever your heart takes you. We put this together in races and experience things that many of the population simply never get to experience.
This is what it means to be ‘TRI-FIT’.
Huskisson Triathlon NSW Australia swim start. I’ve watched stingrays swim on the ocean bed as I’ve swam this race!
But what if our oceans were destroyed? What if the forests were bare, and what if the world was in a bio imbalance from our human destruction? There would be no joy, no wonder and no ability for our sport to thrive. Without a healthy planet there would be no TRI-FIT.

We’ve all watched the Netflix documentaries and we’ve all heard Sir David Attenborough repeat himself time and time again about immediate action, yet many still carry on buying single use plastic, eating copious amounts of animal meats, and making no personal action to reduce their own carbon footprint.
The warning signs are already in place. Mother nature is telling us each year. Melting ice in the Antarctic, freak weather and a warming planet are more than enough signals for action.
Australia is a country known for its extremities. 40 degree heat in summer. Snow in winter. Spiders the size of small rodents that would keep people well away from visiting, and 6ft Red Kangaroos built like Mike Tyson in his prime.

A Red Kangaroo from Western Australia can weigh around 47kg and bounce along at 70km/h!
Bush fire season is real, and it’s getting hotter. We are currently experiencing the wettest spring here in Melbourne on record. Farmers are crying out for people to wake up and many of us carry on regardless.

Bushfires of 2021 in East Gippsland, Victoria
So how can we help? Well for us at TRI-FIT we realise that our efforts are just a drop in the ocean, but if we all did a small amount of action then together we can rewind the damage currently being done to our oceans and our land.
As Sir David says, “It’s not too late, but it will be very soon.” Prince William also recently criticised the ‘space race’ between Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos saying that, “They should be spending their billions rectifying this planet before searching for another one!” We 100% agree Will!

We joined 1% for the Planet last year after researching a plethora of other organisations. This was the most genuine and respected organisation that was aligned with our personal and brand values. They collectively have businesses all across the world donating 1% of their annual turnover towards environmental change. These guys are the real deal and its refreshing to know that our charitable donations are being used on the problem rather than paying admin and other hidden fees that many organisations keep from disclosing. For more information or to join then head to:
We have recently been in talks with the founder of Triple Switch and Half Cut. Their focus in reforestation speaks volumes for us. Saving wildlife, and saving forests mean a win win for global health. Donations from our profits going towards a ‘buy back’ scheme where we are able to help stop the Daintree Rainforest in Tropical North Queensland from being culled is an awesome initiative to be a part of.
"Every second we lose a football field of rainforest worldwide. Over 50% of the world's forests are gone. Triple Switch for Earth invests in renewables, communities, reforestation, rainforest buyback and many more positive outcomes for all species on Earth. Making the switch for earth you are not investing in fossil fuels, animal agriculture and many other industries that are damaging not only to our Planet but ourselves" - (A note from their website)
To join or to find out more head to:
Packaging for transportation of our apparel are made from 100% recycled materials. Our boxes are even printed with Soy Bean ink. Our compostable mailer bags are made by heaps good packaging. A 100% Aussie owned and ran brand also focusing on global health with their business model.

What’s in the pipeline for TRI-FIT Athletic? Well besides to continue to work with partners on our same path and journey, we are looking into new methods of manufacture with our aim to be a 100% sustainable company by 2025.
To speak with us about other potential ways in which we can use our brand for awareness or assistance in reaching a healthier global future then please reach out to us on info@tri-fitathletic.com. We will be open to any way we can further our impact towards leaving a better planet for our children to enjoy.
Like the saying goes, “if you want a job doing properly, do it yourself”. This is very fitting after our global COP26 United Climate Conference has been hailed a ‘Cop Out’.
Let’s take action together so we can all continue to live our lives....