'One Hour of Power' with Coach Si Bennett
'One Hour of Power' with Coach Si Bennett
Strength & Conditioning has always been a taboo word in the arena of Triathlon preparation. Some swear by it and some steer clear of it. None the less, more recently triathletes are hitting the gym to not only reduce their injury risk, but to also improve their performance.
Endurance sports Performance coach Si Bennett has put together a total body Strength & Conditioning session that anyone can do either in their garage/home training space or if lucky enough in a commercial gym.Equipment needed:
- 1 x Stationary Bike/Spin Bike
- 1 x Treadmill/outdoor road
- 1 x Foam roller,
- 1 x Medicine Ball
- 1 x Gym Mat
The Med Ball Circuit is designed to improve strength endurance for swimming, activate your glutes and build lower body strength for more power in the saddle, and increase core stability needed to be a more balanced and efficient runner.
The Workout
Warm Up
A) Foam Roll = 10 mins.
Grab a foam roller and roll all major muscle groups. (calves, hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes, lower back, upper back, lats, shoulders, triceps, chest) If you feel tight in any particular spot then emphasise the roll there. Use the 10 minutes though as this will really prep the whole body for whats to come.
B) Treadmill/Outdoor Run = 10 mins.
Begin with an easy jog increasing the pace after 5 minutes by 1.0km per minute until 10 minutes. You should aim to finish around 11-13km/h
C) Medicine Ball Circuit = 27 mins.
Select a Medicine Ball no heavier than 5kg's for the first round and if you feel like advancing for the next rounds then feel free to.
1) Alternate Lunge to twist
Start by standing in an upright position with the medicine ball held in front of your stomach. Begin by stepping forward into a lunge and as you land in the lunge position rotate your torso to the same side that you have lunged from. Drive through the heel of the front foot and back to the start position. Repeat to the other side. Perform for 60 seconds and rest for 30 seconds before moving to next exercise
2) Close Grip Push Up
Begin in a Push Up Position on your knees with your hands on the Medicine Ball. Lower your chest to the ball keeping your elbows close to your body and push through your arms and chest until you have locked out your elbows. Perform for 60 seconds and rest for 30 seconds before moving to next exercise. Advance to your toes if you feel like a challenge.
3) Alekna's
Named after the Lithuanian Discus champion; Virgilijus Alekna, this is a highly effective core stability exercise. Begin on your back with your knees flexed at 90 degrees and the medicine ball held in front of your chest. Lower the ball over head and extend the legs so that your heels are just off the ground. Return to the start position. Perform for 60 seconds and rest for 30 seconds before moving to next exercise.
4) High Plank with Alternate Knee Raise
Begin in a high plank position resting your hands on the ball. Engage your core and slowly raise your leg to the outside of the adjacent arm. Return to the start position and change legs. Perform for 60 seconds and rest for 30 seconds before moving to next exercise.
5) Thruster
For the final exercise start in an upright position with the Medicine Ball held in front of your shoulders. Begin by squatting down so that your hips finish below your knees. Ensure your knees are flared out so you can achieve a deep squat. From this position, drive through your heels explosively and as your legs extend press the Medicine ball overhead. Perform for 60 seconds and rest for 90 seconds before repeating the whole circuit 2 more times.
D) Stationary Bike/Spin Bike. 8 mins cool down.
Either jump on your wind trainer or find a spin bike that you can sit on and spin at a moderate pace for 3 minutes, followed by an easy spin for the last 5 minutes whilst your heart rate lowers.
5 minutes stretch to finish. Total time 60 minutes.
To increase the intensity you can add resistance to every set by increasing the weight of the medicine ball, or add more time to your work time.
Stay Strong,
Si Bennett